Best Custom ROM for Xiaomi Redmi Note 8

Do you want to Install any Custom ROM for Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 (ginkgo) device? then you are at the right place. Here we will list all the Custom ROM for Redmi Note 8. If you have a Redmi Note 8 device, then you may be knowing that this device runs on Android OS. Well, the biggest advantage of Android is that it is an open-source project. This allows every community to develop and Customize ROM for their phone.

To begin with, Redmi Note 8 was launched in August 2019. The phone came out of the box with Android 9.0 Pie. In this guide, we will show you which are the best custom ROM for Redmi Note 8 available now.

Before moving to installation and download, let us know the difference between CUSTOM ROM and STOCK ROM.
What Is Android Stock ROM?
When you buy a brand new Android device, it comes equipped with a “Stock ROM,” also known as the “Stock Firmware”. The stock ROM is the preinstalled operating system on your device. The stock ROM has limited functionalities that are defined by the phone’s manufacturer. If you wish to have extra features added to your device, then you will have to resort to custom ROM.
What is Custom ROM?
As you all know Android is an open source platform where a developer can take all the source code from Google and build their own operating system images for Android phones and tablets from scratch. This Custom or Home built an app is known as Custom ROM. Custom ROM replaces your Android Operating system (Stock ROM) which comes with your Phone or Tablet. It comes with a kernel which makes it a fully standalone OS. So some developer in Android Community will customize the Android OS by stripping all the Garbage and makes it a pure Android experience with no carrier-installed app or OEM apps.

This Custom ROM is been updated regularly by the community and developers where they fix all the bugs related reports. Custom ROM also allows you to experience latest Android OS even if the OS has not available to your smartphone.

ArrowOS 13.1
Redmi Note 8 (ginkgo) / 8T (willow)

Redmi Note 8/8T[ginkgo]


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